's Story
Cognitive Function Development: Changing Addiction Recovery Trajectories
Substance addiction, inability to maintain sobriety after treatment, mounting professional and legal problems
Hours of Cognitive Function Development:
36 hours over 12 weeks
Measurable Improvement:
Working memory 47%, encoded memory 23%, attentional system 18%
Sustained sobriety, career development, and a new perspective on life

Sean* struggled with mental health issues most of his life. Things turned from bad to worse as occasional drug use developed into full-blown heroin addiction. After numerous iterations through various rehab programs, the courts finally intervened. He spent 6 months in a court-mandated program and had to face the reality of a drug-related criminal record in addition to his other challenges.
Sean’s Challenges
Sean successfully completed his drug-court program—getting clean and sober for longer than he had previously been able to sustain. However, living with a drug-related criminal record, memory impairment, and other mental health issues proved difficult. “It was difficult finding work,” he said. “But finding a job was nothing compared to keeping up with the expected work quota.” Sean’s underlying primary cognitive functions (attention, working memory, and encoded memory) were all below average. He could not, for example, remember more than two numbers at a time. Sean’s job, however, required listening for and remembering lists of measurements for precision parts manufacturing. “I couldn’t remember all the measurements being called out,” he recalled. “I was slowing down the whole production line.”

The Solution: Strengthening Encoded Memory, Attention, and Working Memory
Sean received 36 hours of cognitive function development over a 12 week period. His working memory improved more than 47%, his encoded memory increased by 23%, and his attentional system improved by 18%. All improvements were relative to pre-CFD assessment using standardized tests of cognitive abilities.
The Result: Nothing Short of Fantastic
“Thanks to the cognitive function development therapy I received, it's like I’m a new man,” said Sean. “Now doing well at work is easy. Before long the company made me a line-supervisor. Now I help others excel at their jobs!”
Cognitive Function Development changes the brain. From an observer’s perspective CFD may appear to be all fun and games. However, it is an interactive, evidence-based therapeutic modality informed by decades of peer-reviewed neuroscience literature. By using interactive activities, CFD therapists target and develop the functionality of specific neural networks and processes. Afterwards, clients have the ability to succeed with other therapeutic modalities, relationships, work, and life.
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*All names have been changed